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Let know about Hyro !


Hyro is Myro’s brother they were playmates who were born together, while Myro was adopted by Raj Gokal (Solana Founder), Hyro was left alone, he was later adopted by a true solana degen who found him. After Myro’s startling accomplishments on solana blockchain, now its time for Hyro to show the world its potential. We got tired of seeing token memes with pepebonkkishuinu theme, we tried to make something new with no zero taxes, LP burnt and contract renounced, $HYRO is a coin for the people, forever. Fueled by pure memetic power, let $HYRO show you the way.


Token Contract Address : TBA
total supply: 100B
40% Liquidity
30% Staking Reward
10% Growth
10% Contributors
10% Sale

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